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About Pretty Cool Things:

  • We’re a lockdown-lovechild company made almost purely out of the need to put our creative whims out into the world while also giving people something cool, thought-provoking and memorable - hence the very thoughtful and deep name. Is our company one elaborate coping mechanism? Probably. Is it a good coping mechanism? Absolutely.

Who are we?

  • We’re a two man company – one of us looks after the art, the other after copy, and both us obsess over the concept. We share a workplace, a few cigarettes and a fixation for ficitonalising everything.

Why make Angry Indians?

  • Before we decided on making Angry Indians we toyed with countless ideas for a ‘fun wholesome creative product which wasn’t bound a brief’. Many Comic books, cartoons, and a few ideas of unachievable formats later we settled on a satire-themed card game. And make that adult, because there’s only we know some much about the world to put up for ourselves as legitimate inspiration.

What is Angry Indians meant to do?

  • We’re not trying to plant the seeds for a revolution, we just want to start conversations and have society accept an ongoing need for self-reflection. That or get somebody at your party to say the word ‘lol’ while playing. Either works.